IV Cannula – Manufacturer - Suppliers - Exporters in Worldwide

IV Cannula

The anesthesiologist these days have turned out to be experts at inserting an IV cannula on patients with difficult veins. And at least once in career we might have come across the situation where more than 20,000 anaesthetics start with one IV per patient, where as in the other cases you would require more than one IV. Some of the IV are very easy whereas the others would represent a challenge in front of you, as some patients whom you are dealing with will have veins that are small, deep, rolling, and invisible or scarred over and this is only when an expert would actually succeed.Almost each and every adult will begin with the intravenous injection of sedative drugs, so each and every anesthesiologist needs to become an expert in IV insertion. As a demonstrative case, let’s tackle a world a world class difficult situation: Given below are some of the tips that will help insert an IV Cannula at ease while dealing with difficult veins.

v Ask the patient to lie down in a supine and a horizontal position. The Blood will pool down immediately when gravity takes it. And incase there is any patient sitting upright or has been having their legs dangling then the blood will immediately begin to pool in the other dependent regions of the screens be it the veins of the legs or the veins of the upper extremities that you have been looking out for.

v Applying a rubber standard tourniquet to the upper arm before beginning with the process. Then on top of the tourniquet that you have applied to the patients arm make sure you have a blood pressure cuff being applied from an automated blood pressure machine.

v Have the blood pressure cuff kept at an stat mode, as the pneumatic blood pressure is believed to be a super venous tourniquet and turns out to be so effective that it makes the smaller veins grow prominently.

v Have the arm examined for the best vein, and you can do this by both inspection and palpation. Sometimes you can even have the cord of the vein being felt even when it is not seen. So rather than sticking to the patients arms in multiple places over and over again unless and until she looks like a pin cushion be patient and make sure that you have not started unless you have found the best location for it.

v Try and stimulate the skin over the vein by snapping over your forefinger at the site. This stimulation will make vein grow, perhaps by selecting a regional veno dilator or by blocking a regional veno constrictor. So no matter what the mechanism is this is something that will definitely work.

v Choosing a standard catheter. Be it either 20 gauges or 22 guage. The butterfly needles are not something that are preferred, as they leave the needle in the vein rather than small plastic IV Cannula.
IV Cannula

So what else would you like to add above? Leave your comments below. We will be happy to add them above.


  1. Denex International is a prominent iv cannula manufacturer in Delhi, offering a wide range of medical disposables, including iv cannula with PTFE catheter, under the brand name amie IV cannula, and non-woven products.


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